2018 Pantanal trip review
Short review of our last 2018 trip to Pantanal, Brazil. We traveled to the biggest wetland in the world to photograph the jaguar among other

2017 Puma trip
Wild puma photography safari trip in Patagonia, South America

Patagonia safari 2016 stage 3
We learn that a Guanaco (Lama guanaco) has been killed, surely by a Puma, close to the lake shore. This is a great opportunity to see...

Patagonia safari 2016, stage 1
Cameras in hand, we started our journey to Torres del Parque National Park, in the search of Puma, one of the many names that Puma...

Pantanal Photography Safari Trip 2016
One of the most hidden living treasures of South and Central America, the Jaguar, Yaguarete, or Onca Pintada, roams freely in the...

Jaguars in the wild, Pantanal safari 2016
Our journey to Pantanal, the largest wetlands in the world, located in our neighbor’s back yard, with a few gateways, started early,...

Soaring Condors
One of the most amazing things about condors is that they fly like an engineless airplane. Unless you find them on the ground, you don’t...

Pumas in the wild, the lord of the Andes
The Wild South Photography team followed pumas in the wild, for 10 days, they photographed and film these amazing predators sometimes as...